Why Choose an Intel-Based Industrial Computer

CKS Global Solutions LTDIndustrial Computer

What processors are…

A processor or CPU is a chip made up of electronic circuitry that gets instructions from a computer program to carry out various functions and produce output. These instructions originate from the touch screen, mouse, or keyboard while the processing tasks include control, logical, input/output, and arithmetic.

The Different Processors to Choose From

Today, you have two processor options to choose from; AMD and Intel. The two do pretty much the same thing; it’s just that they achieve results using different means. Also, AMD processors are cheaper and perform better in gaming than their Intel alternatives, but concerning power efficiency, the latter comes out on top.

Why Intel is the Best Processor for Industrial Computers

Industrial PCs are meant to be powerful, tough, and highly reliable due to the environments they are used in. As a result, their processors must also stand up to the tasks involved. Intel processors have, for years, offered the desired features to operate in highly demanding environments. Such characteristics include reliability and maximum performance. The Core i7 processing technology is especially desirable when it comes to industrial computer performance.

Another aspect that makes Intel ideal for industrial PCs is processor heat dissipation. These processor types are, therefore, highly suitable for environments where high temperatures can damage their alternatives easily.

The Different Intel Processor Types

The evolution of computer technology has resulted in the introduction of newer Intel processor versions virtually every year. The most common types include Core i3, i5, and i7. Previous versions included the Intel Pentium, Intel Pentium MMX, Intel Atom, Intel Celeron, Intel Pentium Pro, Intel Pentium 2 and 3, Intel Xenon, and others. There are later versions, the Core i7 Extreme Editions that you can find in the Skylake processor family. The main differences between the various processors are in the number of cores each possesses.

Choosing the Best Processor Based on the Load

The first consideration has to be the type of work you want the industrial computer to perform. If the workload is large, then a processor with multiple cores is desirable since it will split tasks among the cores. Another feature you should never overlook when picking a processor for an industrial PC is the heat sink. It is what will keep your machine cool, eliminate errors, lock up problems, and other issues. Remember that industrial settings require the computers in use to run for long hours, making a heat sink invaluable.


Intel vs. AMD: Which brand of CPU should you choose when building a PC?, Digital Trends