Integrating Autopilot Flight Control System To Industrial Computers

Richard B.Aviation Technology, Industrial Computer

Aircrafts can only be operated by a licenced pilot. But, the increasing demand of air passengers also increases the number of flights. As a result, pilots may suffer health conditions due to spending more hours of flying an aircraft. It can also be a triggering factor why there are human flight errors as well. So, as a solution to this …

Improve Air Traffic Control Centres with the S17 Industrial Panel PC

Richard B.Aviation Technology, Panel PC

What makes an air traffic controller efficient? Is it because of their skills or with technological advancements? Air traffic control (ATC) controllers are highly qualified professionals in the aviation operations. These controllers can both have the skills and technology. Of course, their skills are developed by mastering navigation, aerodynamics and air traffic. But, there are also regulations governing them for …