The Serial No can be found on the side or rear of the CKS product above the Product ID, and is a six digit number. The Serial No is outlined in red in the picture below.
Please include as much detailed information as possible when filling out the fault description. Having as much information as possible helps us help you!
This information can include:
Temperature of Environment
Is the fault persistent or intermittent?
If the fault is persistent try and state exactly what the user is doing when this fault occurs.
Is the unit set up to reboot at a certain time?
Is the unit powered by a UPS (Uniterruptable Power Supply)?
The Repair PO No is your own (the customers) Purchase Order number for the repair.
If you have already raised a purchase order for the repair before submitting this form, use the Purchase Order number as your Repair PO number as we will then reference this in future making it easier for you manage the repair within your own system.
Accessories can and do include: Power Cables, Network Cables, Driver Discs , EPG Kits, Gloves.
If the product is sent to CKS Global Solutions Limited with accessories that are not listed on the RMA form, the product may be sent back without the accessories that weren’t listed.
The Product ID can be found on the side or rear of the CKS product. The Product ID is outlined in red in the picture below.
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